September 2022 Progress Update

Site Testing

Last week, the Town of Lincoln and the Select Board was presented with the results of ground tests done by Nobis, in coordination with the NH Department of Environmental Services. Test pits were dug in multiple locations throughout the site of Riverfront Park to determine the components of the soil. While most results support continued progress of the broader park, some areas will need to be mitigated.

The Good News

The Select Board unanimously agreed to proceed with the additional testing needed to build the skate park. This action will allow Nobis to re-test the site in select areas. Basically, they want to make sure that the soil beneath the skate park site is stable enough to support the concrete.


We are optimistic that construction can begin sometime in 2023, but that is not definite yet. Three things need to happen:

  • Pillar Design & Artisan Skate parks need to get us on the schedule. (We are working with them to get that.)
  • The site of both the skate park and parking lot needs to be “ready for construction”. The environmental tests need to come back: “OK to proceed” and the Town of Lincoln needs to begin clearing the site.
  • We need to reach our fundraising goal of $200,000. To date, $179,000 has been raised.