You are now free to skate.
The Artisan Skate Parks crew has wrapped up and completed construction. The Lin-Wood Skate Park is open for skating. The journey to make it here has been long. So, please enjoy.
The official grand opening will be held on Saturday, November 2 at 11:00am. We hope you will join us to celebrate this milestone together.

This is a free park, open to the public, and managed by the towns of Lincoln & Woodstock. Please, abide by the rules listed below which are also posted at the park.
The Towns of Lincoln and Woodstock are not responsible for any injury or accident incurred during the use of this facility. Any and all use of this facility is at your own risk.
- Users under the age of 16 are required to wear a helmet at all times. Helmets, knee pads, elbow pads are highly recommended for all users.
- This facility may be used during daylight hours, from dawn to dusk.
- This is a Pack-in, Pack-Out facility. Leave no trace or trash behind.
- This property is monitored by camera 24 hours a day.
Users must abide by the following rules:
- Respect other users and neighbors.
- No littering or leaving trash.
- No bicycle pegs.
- Users must wear shoes at all times.
- No ramps, platforms, jumps or similar devices may be brought into the facility.
- No roughhousing or abusive behavior at any time.
- No foul or abusive language.
- No food or drink allowed on the skating surfaces.
- No glass containers allowed on the skating surfaces.
- No alcohol or illegal drugs/substances of any kind.
- No defacing property (graffiti, etc.)
In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1